
Pastors & Staff

Matt McGrew

Lead Pastor

Matt has a passion for the Bible and a lifelong ministry goal of helping people fall in love with the Word of God and the God of the Word!

He is married to Cory and together they have 10 children and 5 grandchildren! Matt has been in ministry to youth and families for the 25 years. When asked why he agreed to be the head pastor of Anchor he said, "I was born and raised in Lincoln and like many of you I have seen this city grow in ALL directions. When we came back to Lincoln, I was drawn to the growth occurring on the far South end of town and excited about the possibility of ministering there. 

He continued by saying "As we have planned and prayed, our desire is that Anchor would be a church that boldly proclaims God’s Word as the source and standard of truth. My hope is that our church will increasingly grab hold of the wisdom, instruction, and understanding available through the incomparable Word of God. To this end, I intend to focus my attention and time on expository teaching. I want Scripture to occupy the highest place in our ministry because I believe that God’s Word is entirely sufficient for the church and her members!

Nick Cole


God first drew Nick’s attention to Himself as a wonderful Creator when he was 5 years old at his family cabin in the Rocky Mountains (Romans 1:20.) He gave his life to Jesus as Savior and Lord in December 1978. Nick loves serving God through youth ministry, evangelism, and missions.

After college, Nick’s career has been in the electrical commercial/industrial/power construction industry. He loves spending time with his family, being in the mountains, the Huskers and Denver Broncos, fishing, hunting, and golf. Nick and his wife Kathy, who is with Jesus, have four adult children and 11 beautiful grandchildren, 9 here and 2 with Jesus.

When asked why he agreed to be an Elder at Anchor Bible Church he said “It’s God who has guided me into church leadership. I enjoy serving God by serving His church in this area.” He is most excited for the opportunity to follow God’s always perfect plan for his life by serving Him in reaching a new area of Lincoln with the Gospel message and God’s word. He enjoys meeting  people and building relationships to encourage fellow saints.