Anchor is Moving!

Beginning Sunday Jan 5  we are excited to announce that Anchor Bible Church is moving to a NEW LOCATION!
God has blessed us with a place to continue growing together! Join us as we gather in a new space to EXALT the Lord, EQUIP the saints, and ENCOURAGE one another!
⚓ Come visit us at our new location: 6601 S 70th St. (the former Epic Church building).
Questions? contact us here:


Sunday School for ALL Ages:
Worship Service 
 Children's Church
6601 S 70th St. (the former Epic Church building)
Easter Sunday special location- Camp Shiloh


The anchor is an ancient Christian symbol, we chose it to represent our church because it connects us to the Word of God and the Gospel. We want to be a place where people can know God through His Word!

Our highest goals are to glorify God and love people. With those goals in mind we focus on the proclamation of the Gospel and the teaching of the Scriptures for the building up of the body (Ephesians 4:12,16).

The book of Hebrews says that our hope in Jesus is the ANCHOR that gives us stability and steadfastness in life (Heb 6:19-20)

We welcome all.

From small groups to Sunday school to midweek studies, we have many opportunities for people to gather together, encouraging one another closer to a life devoted to Christ.
We desire to be a group of committed believers led by God’s Word and empowered by the Holy Spirit to glorify God together!  
 Contact us for more information about what is available to you and your family.

Sunday Service Times

We Meet at 6601 S 70th St, Lincoln, NE 68516 (the former epic church building)
Sunday School: 9am-10am
Main Service: 10:30am-12pm