
What's happening at Anchor.... 

We have many exciting opportunities for us to grow together as a church family and in our knowledge of our Savior!
Please take a minute to read through the announcements so you can plan and take part in ministry with your Anchor family as much as possible!
Maybe you are feeling out of the loop and would like to receive important church emails and announcements! If so, please email your information to the church by clicking the following link:

James: Faith that Walks

Mark your calendars for February 21 and 22nd for the upcoming Bible Conference! At this conference, several of the Lincoln Bible churches are coming together for a study through James, ”FAITH that WALKS.”
Please click the link below for more information and to register you and your family!
If you would, please consider how you may take an opportunity to serve at this event-you can click the button below. 
Meet every other week.  
For the whole family!
Sunday Groups meet at 4:30pm
Daharsh/Cole- 1st and 3rd Sundays
Smith/Shavor- 1st and 3rd Sundays
Mink/Moeller- 2nd and 4th Sundays
McGrew- 2nd and 4th Sundays
Stolley/Petersen- 1st and 3rd  WEDNESDAYS at 7:00pm


Our adult Sunday School Series is all about practical wisdom as we walk through the book of Proverbs. Join us as we dig for the treasures and truths that are readily found!
 Sunday Mornings at 9:00AM
Join us at our new location: 6601 South 70th Street, for ALL of our Children and Student Ministries! 
Middle and High School Students:  
Wednesday nights from 6:30-8:00pm our Anchor youth are working their way through 1 John with Pastor Matt. Through teaching,  small group discussion and fellowship with one another, our students are growing in their knowledge of the Word and in community with each other!


The Institute for Creation Research offers Made in His Image, a four-episode series that will take the audience on a journey through the most complex and miraculous creation on Earth—us.

There is no better example of complex, conscious design than the human body. This awe-inspiring series will explore some of its most extraordinary systems, which are so perfectly designed and masterfully engineered that the viewer will be left with no doubt that we are indeed created by an expert designer, God.

Children's Sunday School

At Anchor, we believe the Word of God is profitable and applicable for ages 0-99!
We help our little ones to have an exciting and accurate knowledge of God and the Bible through teaching and leaders who model a love for God and for His Word. We facilitate this through our Sunday School curriculum,   "Generations of Grace" which takes all of our students on the same journey through the Word of God through age appropriate lessons.  
Sunday mornings, 9:00AM


Children, ages 3yrs-6th grade:  "Adventure Club!"  
Wednesday nights, from 6:30-8:00pm at Anchor Bible Church.
"Adventure Club" is a ministry that coincides directly with our children’s Sunday School Curriculum - Generations of Grace.  It is focused on Bible memorization and teaching children the truth of God’s Word in a fun, meaningful way!
Questions or to Contact us-Click the link below!

Women's Study

Join us this year for an exciting study through the book of James with teachers Pat Stolley and Cory McGrew
Once a month on Monday evenings  from 7-8:30pm.

Mark your calendars and arrange your childcare for the following dates!
Remaining Dates for the Year:
March 3- Pat Stolley Teaching-LOCATION CHANGE: Robin's Home

email for address.
April 7- Cory McGrew Teaching- LOCATION: 1001 Galloway Circle
Tuesday Evenings ANCHOR Men are encouraged to join the men’s Bible study.
7:30 on ZOOM.


Are you interested in getting to know other people at Anchor?
Are you looking for ways you can participate in the ministry?
Are you wondering how you can serve our church body?
We have many areas where volunteers would be welcome!
Consider serving in one of the following areas:
  • Nursery
  • Children's Sunday School
  • Children's Church
  • Facilities Team (loading and unloading the trailer)
  • Sound Team
  • Worship Team
  • Security Team
  • Coffee Team
  • Welcome Team